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Professional and Organizational Challenges / Enjeux Professionels et Organisationnels de la Culture


Les institutions culturelles rencontrent de nombreux défis institutionnels et organisationnels. Le réseau de recherche s’est intéressé à trois dimension de ces défis : l’identité professionnelle, l’adaptation aux nouveaux publics de la culturel, et les transformations institutionnelles.



Documents clés


Jonathan Paquette and Eleonora Redaelli, Arts Management and Cultural Policy Research. London: Palgrave. 2015.


Jonathan Paquette, Cultural Policy, Work and Identity. The Creation, Renewal and Negotiation of Professional Subjectivities. London: Routledge, 2012.


Jonathan Paquette, Mentoring and Change in Cultural Organizations: The Experience of Directors in British National Museums, Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, Volume 42, Issue 4, 205-21, 2012.


Jeannotte, M. Sharon, Shared Spaces: Social and economic returns on investment in cultural infrastructure, Ottawa, Centre on Governance, August 2008, 32 p.


Marjorie Stone, Hélène Destrempes, John Foote and  M. Sharon Jeannotte, "Immigration and Cultural Citizenship : Responsibilities, Rights and Indicators", Immigration and Integration in Canada in the Twenty-first Century, John Biles, Meyer Berstein and James Frideres (dir.), Kingston, Queen's University, 2008.


Caroline Andrew, Monica Gattinger, M. Sharon Jeannotte et Will Straw (dir.), Accounting for Culture : Thinking Through Cultural Citizenship. , Number of Pages: 286, University of Ottawa Press . Ottawa, January 2005.

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